Experience Studio, Moss Arts Center
Salt Marsh Suite, Carol Burch-Brown, Ann Kilkelly, and Tohm Judson
Cube Hallway, Moss Arts Center
#Carbonfeed, Jon Bellona and John Park
Fife Balcony Lobby, Moss Arts Center
The Collected Works of Ferin Martino as Conjured by Your Presence, Jeff Morris
Fife Mezzanine Lobby, Moss Arts Center
Interactive Soundscape Environment (InSeE), Tae Hong Park, Michael Musick, Samuel Mindlin, Andrew Phillips, Gemma Peacocke, Torin Geller, and Matthew Lau
XYZ Gallery: Room A
Father’s Dream Reliquary, Douglas Geers
XYZ Gallery: Room B
Ghost in the Codec, Ryan Maguire
XYZ Gallery: Rooms C & D
Meditation on Form and Measure, Steve Wanna
XYZ Gallery: Room E
As above, so below, Stephen Dydo and Susan Haire